Thursday, March 30, 2006


You packed up and left the truck over an hour ago. Sometimes if the moon is still bright you don't even need a headlamp to make your way out to the area where you want to set up. It's cold out but the long walk with the pack on makes you sweat inside your waders and under all the layers. As you set your decoys in the still water surrounding your blind, your body cools and you can feel the chill in the air again. Finally, with everything complete, it's time to wait for sunrise.

Just before the first light of day you can hear the whistle of ducks flying near you. Wondering what they are is almost torture. Are they the fat greenies you hope to see again at first light, or are they another brand, something you have never seen before? Not long now till you start to make out shapes and can see a little bit better as the sun comes closer to the horizon. Now, as the other creatures of the woods wake up and start to move around, you know that the time is here.

Time to kill.
This moment has been brought to you by the good folks at Winchester and Mr. Charlton Heston.


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